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About The Book
"How do I build my net worth?"
"Is it too late to start saving for retirement?"
"How do world events affect my money?"
Questions like these are on the minds of many, and they deserve a sound answer. The book you’re holding provides just that and much more. Debunking myths and providing actionable insight, Kyle Beveridge brilliantly calls the reader to a financial renewal. With the Bible as his source material, Kyle provides invaluable perspectives on:
- Investment strategies for growth and preservation
- How to build and lead a business
- The difference between good and bad debt
- Generosity, inheritance, and much more
The young, old, the novice, and the seasoned alike will all find tried and true ideas that can change the outlook of your financial situation for good. With a proven blue print in hand, it is your time to discover and build your true net worth!

About Kyle Beveridge
Author and Financial Professional
Kyle E. Beveridge is president of ESB W&I (Wealth and Investments). He began his career with E.S. Beveridge & Associates in 1978, immediately after graduating from Otterbein University. Starting out as a sales rep of life and health insurance, Mr. Beveridge transitioned into sales and consultation of pension plans/401(k)plans.
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